Finding patterns in flames
The Pattern in chaos — signal.

With our mathematical toolset we can recognize patterns, signals, lost in noise.

Begin example explaining how we extracted signal data from noise

An Example

Neural and Hybrid Computing Laboratory (NHC)

Department of Biomedical Engineering

University of Florida

Faculty Adviser - Thomas DeMarse

Detecting Eye Movements Using A Brain Machine Interface

Work performed included mathematical modeling for recognizing patterns in electrical activity that was recorded from the eyes using an Electro-Oculography Brain Machine Interface (EOG BMI). Specifically:

  • Tucker Davis Technologies Inc. Medusa Preamp was used to record EOG signals.
  • A BiQuad filter was used to eliminate certain frequences from raw data.
  • Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and interpolation was used to generate a smooth signal.
Raw data including noise

Raw data including noise

Clear signal  excluding noise

Clear signal excluding noise

End of the Signals Page