Our practice of web development is esoteric, different from the rest, like life in a monastery

An Esoteric Practice.
Aggregate data with our web crawlers.
— with our web crawlers.
We map 3-D data
Map 3D

We design GIS applications
GIS Applications

Built & Hosted
on our Platform
Our C programs are designed for performance
Web Development

Communicate, share & transact with your community using our platform.

We build and maintain
online platforms

We build & host
Wordpress sites

Share your data or computing results with your community using our web interface (APIs or custom applications).


  1. Web & Application Development
    • REST APIs
      • APIs integrated into an NGINX module (written in C)
      • APACHE Modules (written in C)
      • APIs (written in PHP)
    • Content Management (CMS)
      • Wordpress Themes & Plugins
      • Wordpress hosting on LAMP stack
    • Web Crawlers/Scrapers
      • Multi-threaded cURL programs (in C and PHP)
    • GIS Applications
      • OpenLayers and KML for capturing and displaying GIS data (in real-time) on the web
    • 3D Applications
      • OpenGL, WebGL and HTML 5 to render 3D data, for example, Digital Elevation Model data, on the web.
    • Image Compression, Caching & Processing (Vector and Raster)
    • Application Programming
      • optimizing data structures to be L1 & L2 cache friendly; minimizing context switching by using ring data structures to share data between threads.
      • Performance profiling using Perf
  2. Server Administration
    • Custom Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
      • Arch Linux Server images
    • Server Management
      • Custom Email Servers (Postfix & Dovecot)
      • Web Hosting Platform: LAMP Stack (Apache web server, MariaDB database, PHP scripting language & ARCH Linux Server OS)
      • Load Blancing using HAProxy
End of the Web Page